
Over the years I have managed to complete a number of writings, some of which are available in print, while others are either unavailable or remain unpublished.


The most important of these, Black Wilmington and the North Carolina Way: Portrait of a Community in the Era of Civil Rights Protest (Lanham, MD.: University Press of America, 2000) remains available. This book, despite its limitations, represents a serious attempt on my part to come to terms with the 20th century civil rights experience for African Americans in Wilmington, N.C..


A self-published collection of poetry also remains available and can be ordered from this site. Written and collected through many years of travel and wandering in the United States, Poems from the Drink House, Long Country Highway (LQP, 2006) is an attempt to look back in reflection on my own experience. If I may be forgiven for the purposely ironic title that is the result of my frequent visitation in bars and other drinking establishments, I must say that I conceived this collection as a summation of my spiritual journey. Aware that it is commonly well known that all that gold does not glitter, it occurred to me that some might consider the title in view of this.


During the years from the summer of 2000 through 2007 I operated Liberty Quill Publications, a small publishing company in Wilmington, N.C.. My business focused primarily on editing and publishing a small monthly magazine. Initially it was called  the People’s Civic Record, though in 2005 it was renamed the Carolina Civic Voice. Success on the advertising market in the Wilmington area remained elusive, though I labored on with a small  staff who worked mostly on a volunteer basis. We peaked in 2006 with a distribution of some 13,000 magazines over a five county region, and made a splash on the internet in 2007. Although we never turned a profit, I was able to resume my teaching career, and tried to maintain a partially updated archive of our publication on the internet for the benefit of our contributors and our readers. I published numerous book reviews and some in depth review essays, a few of which may find their way into these pages.


I am currently at work on a book that is an attempt to trace the steps in the story of my own educational and intellectual growth and development—a work that yet has some  way to go before it will be finished.




Essays currently available on this site:


Responding to the Critics: North Carolina’s Recent History Uncovered,” Some Reflections on Black Wilmington and the North Carolina Way, by John L. Godwin


Seeing the Moral Issues, North Carolina’s Civil Rights History,” A Critical Reflection on Timothy Tyson’s Blood Done Sign My Name


Cognitive Dissonance: Integration USA and the Future of American Democracy,”

Sheryll Cashin’s The Failures of Integration  - An Essay in Review


Black America’s Genius of Liberation, The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.,” edited by Clayborne Carson, A Book Review


American Crisis, Southern Solutions: From Where We Stand, Promise and Peril,

An Essay in Review


Dixie Demagogues: Of Rogues, Relics and the Sages, Southern Politics in an Age

of Crisis and Reform” - An Essay in Review


Where We Stand, Voices of Southern Dissent, edited by Anthony Dunbar, with a Foreword by Jimmy Carter - An Essay in Review


N.C. History in Review, The Waterman’s Song: Slavery and Freedom in Maritime

North Carolina,” by David S. Cecelski - Book Review


Proving the Wind: Civil Rights and the American Mission - Walking With the

Wind: A Memoir of the Movement” by John Lewis & Michael D’Orso– An Essay in Review


Of Politics and Power, James B. Hunt: A North Carolina Progressive,”

by Wayne Grimsley - A Book Review 


A Warning Too Late - Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in

Central Asia,” by Ahmed Rashid – A Book Review


The Liberal Persuasion: Workers Rights In North Carolina and the U.S.A.”

by John L. Godwin


Uncovering the New Paradigm: History, Politics, Poverty, Racism and Global Warming in North Carolina and Beyond” - An Essay


When History Speaks, A Conversation with Dan Carter” - An Interview with Historian, Dan Carter


Healing Israel/ Palestine: A Path to Peace and Reconciliation, by Rabbi

Michael Lerner -  A Book Review


The Culture Wars—Acid Dreams: The CIA and the Lost Eden of the Counterculture” An Essay in Review of Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain


The Human Face of Medical Error, Lewis Wardlaw Blackman: When Doctors Fail,”

by John L. Godwin







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